Gay luxury travel tips for LGBTQ travellers

Gay men in pool

Luxury travel is all about indulging in the finer things in life and experiencing the world in style. The opportunity to escape the daily grind and indulge in a luxurious vacation is the ultimate indulgence. Not everyone is interested in a luxury lifestyle at home or abroad, and certainly not everyone can afford it. The LGBTQ community however is one that often does have more spending power and desire for the finer things in life than many other travellers. According to the Travel Market Report LGBTQ travellers spend 33% more on travel than non-LGBT travellers and travel an average of four to six times a year. Gay men especially seem to love to travel (and spend money doing it), often being in a situation of dual incomes with no kids, and a higher rate of high level/paying jobs.

So what does luxury travel look like for gay men in the 2023? It can take many forms, from lavish, all-inclusive resorts to more intimate, boutique experiences. It might involve staying at a top hotels or resort, dining at top rated restaurants, and participating in exclusive activities and events. Or it might be a more adventurous trip that takes you off the beaten path and into the wild. Whatever your travel style, there’s a luxury option that will suit your needs and desires.

One of the great things about luxury travel is that it allows you to escape the everyday and experience new cultures, cuisines, and landscapes. Whether you’re lounging on a white sandy beach or exploring a vibrant city, luxury travel is all about feeling pampered and spoiled. One of my favourite luxury moments when travelling didn’t actually involve much travel at all, when my partner and I had a Vancouver staycation in a penthouse suite – making for an incredible and memorable experience without even leaving the city.

Keep in mind that luxury travel is about more than just material possessions and lavish experiences though. It’s also about the feeling of indulgence that comes with it. A luxury vacation can be a way to recharge and rejuvenate, to disconnect from the stresses of daily life and reconnect with oneself. It’s a chance to slow down and savour the present moment, to create lasting memories and enrich your life.

Luxury helicopter
A helicopter ride I took above the Twelve Apostles in Australia

So how do you go about planning the ultimate luxury vacation? Here are a few tips to get started:

  1. Set your budget: Luxury travel doesn’t have to break the bank, but it’s important to have a clear idea of what you’re willing to spend. This will help you narrow down your options and find the perfect luxury experience that fits your budget.
  2. Determine your travel style: Are you looking for relaxation and pampering, or do you prefer more adventure and excitement? Do you want to stay at a luxurious resort or explore a new city? Knowing your travel style will help you find the right luxury vacation for you.
  3. Research destinations: There are countless luxury travel destinations to choose from, each with its own unique charm and character. Do some research to find out which destination best fits your interests and needs, and what the prices there are like.
  4. Choose your accommodation: Luxury travel is all about the experience, and where you stay can make a big difference. Look for hotels and resorts that offer high-end amenities, personalized service, and a sense of exclusivity. A large room and/or balcony along with a great view are always a big plus.
  5. Don’t skimp on meals: Part of the luxury travel experience is indulging in gourmet cuisine and fine dining. Look for restaurants that offer unusual and memorable culinary experiences. Consider ones that use local or regional ingredients or recipes for a more unique and authentic experience.
  6. Plan activities and excursions: Luxury travel is about more than just lounging on the beach. Look for activities and excursions that will enhance your vacation and create lasting memories. Even if you’re in an all-inclusive it’s good to get off the property at times to experience the local area.
  7. Don’t forget the little touches: Luxury travel is all about the details. Look for hotels and resorts that offer thoughtful amenities like in-room massages, personalized service, and other special touches that will make your trip extra special. You’re on vacation after all, so if not now, when?!?
Room service with my partner in a 5 star hotel

Luxury travel is an opportunity to indulge in the finer things in life and experience the world in style. It’s not for everyone, and not everyone can afford to do it, but for those who can and who do it right it’ll take a trip from good to amazing. From how you travel to where you stay and what you do, a luxury trip is about having the ultimate trip from start to finish. I remember the first time I flew business class and how it completely elevated the whole vacation for me, making for a much more enjoyable experience even before I arrived at my destination. So whether you’re looking for relaxation, adventure, or something in between, the perfect luxury trip is waiting for you when you’re able and ready for it . Take the time to indulge in the finer things in life and experience the world in style because you deserve it!

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