Josh Rimer Apologizes

To all those who have been offended, including the thousands of LGBT people who hate Barilla around the world, I apologize for and regret my insensitive action. I understand that it was hurtful and was not a genuine meal I would eat.

To clarify, I would like to point out that:

– I have the utmost respect for any pasta, without distinction of any kind.
– I have the utmost respect for all pasta and for everyone’s right to eat it.
– I have the utmost respect for all penne and spaghetti.

As a YouTuber, I consider it my mission to do parodies of as many idiots as I can – with love and respect – and to deliver the very best videos possible.

I take this responsibility seriously and consider it a core part of who I am as a comedy creator.

While I cannot undo my meal, I can poop it out.

To all friends, family, subscribers and creators that I have hurt or offended, I am deeply sorry.

Created for the Barilla Pasta parody on my YouTube channel

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